Local Governing Bodies

We value the scrutiny of local governance and believe that effective governance is best delivered when school leaders are held to account and are challenged on pupil outcomes and the quality of educational provision. 

Our trust relies on the valuable input of a considerable number of experienced and committed local governors. Local governing bodies provide focused and challenging governance for each school at a local level on behalf of our Trust Board. For an overview of how governance works within our trust, please visit our Governance page.

For local governing bodies to carry out their role effectively, governors must be:

  • prepared and equipped to take their responsibilities seriously
  • accountable to the Trust Board
  • willing and able to monitor and review their own performance

We would expect the core business of each local governing body to be to:

1) Encourage, challenge and hold to account school leaders to constantly raise standards within the school, through the effective reviewing and monitoring of:

  • The School Improvement Plan
  • Safeguarding
  • Quality of education
  • Leadership and management
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal development
  • Staffing
  • Premises and Health and Safety

2) Ensure that our trust policies are being implemented and relevant school-level policies and procedures are reviewed.

3) Have financial awareness and review the impact of Sports Funding and Pupil Premium expenditure. 

Please find information below about our individual school local governing bodies. Information about our members and trustees can be found on our Company Information page. 

All information published on our trust website is in accordance with the requirements set out in the latest Academy Trust Handbook.

  1. Scheme of DelegationpdfDownload
  2. Terms of Reference for LGBs Sept 2024pdfDownload
  3. 23-24 MSS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  4. 23-24 PCS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  5. 23-24 TEA LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  6. 23-24 THS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  7. 23-24 TNS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  8. 23-24 TSS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  9. 23-24 TTS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  10. 23-24 TWS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  11. 23-24 WSS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  12. 23-24 BGPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  13. 23-24 IRPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  14. 23-24 JDPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  15. 23-24 Langney Primary Academy LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  16. 23-24 Parklands Federation LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  17. 23-24 RMPS Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  18. 23-24 SBPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  19. 23-24 Shinewater Primary School LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  20. 23-24 WPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  21. 22-23 JDPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  22. 22-23 IRPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  23. 22-23 MSS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  24. 22-23 PCS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  25. 22-23 RMPS Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  26. 22-23 Sittingbourne Primaries LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  27. 22-23 SBPS LGB Business Pecuniary & AttendancepdfDownload
  28. 22-23 TEA LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  29. 22-23 THS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  30. 22-23 TNS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  31. 22-23 TSS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  32. 22-23 TTS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  33. 22-23 TWS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  34. 22-23 WPS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload
  35. 22-23 WSS LGB Business Pecuniary Interests & AttendancepdfDownload