Leadership Development
Leadership Development
The Westlands Teaching School Alliance is pleased to be working with Leadership Learning South East (LLSE) to offer the National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership.
NPQML is aimed at individuals with responsibility for leading a team, including leaders of key stage, subject, curriculum, heads of department and pastoral leaders. This includes those who are, or are aspiring to be, a middle leader with cross-school responsibilities e.g. a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE). The qualification will support you in becoming a highly effective middle leader, with the skills, confidence and knowledge to drive successful team performance and improved classroom practice across your team. The support of a 'coach' from your school, usually your line manager or Headteacher, is essential to enable you to make the most of the programme.
The NPQML Package Includes:
- Online Entry Leadership Diagnostic that identifies development areas through feedback from colleagues.
- Induction Twilight for you and your coach, to fully understand the requirements of the programme and journey to Final Assessment.
- 4 Face-to-Face days fully facilitated by two experienced and LLSE trained Facilitators.
- Online self-directed study to link Face-to-Face learning with your school environment.
- School exchange programme through action learning sets to share best practice with colleagues.
- Online access to the most recent school leadership research to support your development as a leader.
- Final Assessment Twilight to fully prepare you for your assessment submission.
- Ongoing in-school coach/mentor support to link learning to your in-school role.
- Access to the highly commended LLSE support team throughout the programme.
For more information on the course contents please visit: http://www.llse.org.uk/programmes/npqml
To find out more information regarding costs, venues and dates of sessions please contact louise.cox@swale.at
Outstanding Leadership in Education (OLE).
The OLE is an outstanding coaching based programme. It is designed for outstanding practitioners looking to develop not only their practice but also their coaching skills in order to support other colleagues from a whole school perspective. The programme itself is activity based and highly interactive, based around the theme of self-reflection.
It enables teachers to develop and set personal targets in the following:
- Vision and Strategic Planning
- Effective Communication
- Integrity
- Enthusiasm and Optimism
- Empathy
- Competence in Role
- Delegation
- Managing Pressure
- Team Building
- Problem-Solving & Decision-Making
We also offer opportunities for colleagues to become Specialist Leaders in Education (SLEs).