Steve Payne

Steve Payne - Headteacher

How did you get into teaching?

Having previously worked with several City-based banks and investment companies, I entered the education sector in 2009. During those first two years, I worked with pupils with a diverse range of complex needs in special schools, colleges and a Pupil Referral Unit, gaining extremely valuable experience, whilst also completing a BA in English with The University of Greenwich.

In early 2011, the teaching agency I worked for asked if I would spend three days working as a Teaching Assistant at South Borough Primary School. I had initial reservations about taking-up this position, as my experience hitherto was with primarily much older students and I was, at that stage, hoping to develop a career in secondary or further education.

I absolutely loved the school and was delighted when the Headteacher asked if I would stay longer. In fact, three days quickly turned into eight years! Once my degree was completed, I moved into a graduate teacher position (gaining QTS), and soon after, South Borough Primary became a member of Swale Academies Trust.

I was given tremendous opportunities to develop my practice and provided with fantastic support, allowing me to progress, through various leadership roles, to the position of Trust Deputy Headteacher, still working at South Borough, but also with Westlands and Istead Rise Primary Schools.

More recently, I have spent six terms as Head of Westlands Primary School and Nursery, and am currently Trust Head of School, supporting Swale Academies Trust schools. 


What professional development opportunities has Swale Academies Trust given you?

I believe myself very fortunate to have worked with skilled and supportive senior leaders within our Trust, who have shown faith in me and allowed me to gain such a broad range of experience across many schools, developing my own skills and knowledge along the way. I work with many talented colleagues, whom I continue to learn from every day.


What advice would you give to others who are looking to change their career and get into teaching? What aspects of your previous careers have been useful?

There are many transferable skills which those from outside of education can bring to the profession, I myself have found it useful draw on my previous experiences of problem solving, organisational planning and people management, as well as a long background of communicating with many different people from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds. I would encourage anybody thinking of a change of career, consider the many opportunities teaching may offer them. 


What’s the best career decision you have ever made?

Moving into teaching was certainly the best career move I could have made; the profession provides a limitless range of different experiences and offers some genuinely fulfilling moments. Swale Academies Trust has provided me with much opportunity and reward, and I would strongly recommend that anybody considering joining the profession to consider our School Direct Programme.